Description: STEREOKRAFT Custom-made. Handcrafted. Exceptional. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - Brand New, Genuine, Unused Mogami 2803 cable terminated with KLE Innovations Pure 22 Harmony RCA connectors (Pair) A pair of ULTRA High-End RCA audio interconnect cables made with Mogami 2803 cable, terminated with KLE Innovations Pure 22 Harmony RCA connectors, and soldered with Cardas Quad Eutectic Silver Solder. This is the Audio Engineer's Absolute Top Cable. Made to last a lifetime with no signal degradation. No hype, no snake oil, just the utmost in precision and quality. KLE Innovations Pure 22 Harmony RCA connectors (which replaced the top of the line discontinued Absolute Harmony) will perform near, at, or even higher than the performance level of the KLEI Absolute Harmony RCA Plugs.Mogami 2803 has been evaluated as the world's highest resolution and rich detailed cable on the market. It's made to improve resolution to the utmost limit. This cable works well for a vivid original sound image, without any colouration to the signal. The only degradation caused to a 2803 cable is by the Phono/RCA plug being used. Therefore, the plug must be carefully selected. That's why we did a lot of tests and concluded that the best possible combination is with KLE Innovations Harmony RCA plugs. Mogami 2803 cable terminated with KLE Innovations Pure 22 Harmony RCA plugs has exceptional resolution, tight non-bloated deep, detailed, and resolving bass, extremely articulate presentation. It conveys subtle nuances with amazing dexterity. Stage is spacious and envelopes the listener. Allows the full emotion of the music to be experienced. Superb dynamics and an excellent micro detail presentation. Displays delicate upper mid and high frequency detail/resolution and harmonic texture with precision and emotion. Delivers music with low noise/distortion in a warm musical and involving manner from a black/quiet background. Testing by KLEI, and reports received, has shown that the KLEI Absolute®Harmony when compared to the KLEI Harmony RCA range is Simply… even Faster, even Quieter/Noiseless/Blacker Background, and more transparent, and has noticeably better PRAT, Decay, Timbre and Texture, Edge Control and Extension, Resolution, and Stage. The pictures are only samples. Please place your order for actual length. FEATURES AND FURTHER TECHNICAL DETAILS Below you can find information about the components used in the construction of this product. KLE Innovations Pure 22 Harmony RCA plugs... Light Red/Pink KLE Logo The ultimate Keith Louis Harmony RCA Plug designProprietary mathematical modeling is utilised to produce the Pure Harmony’s ground to signal pin relationship, parameters, and determines the proprietary metallurgical processes that are used. Extrapolated: >101% IACS, even >104% IACS Excellent for digital. 100% compatible with SPDIF standards Glass filled thermoplastic polymer body and collar Tolerates high temperature soldering required for high silver content solder Single point grounding Cable OD sizes from 4mm to 9.5mm. Small cable grommet and 2 screws supplied to retain and secure the cable Higher conductivity. Calculations indicate a progression in IACS percentage, in the series. Greater than that of the Classic, Copper, or Silver Harmony RCA plugs Recommendations: depending on the audio system...: Burn-in Time: >200hrs and even >300hrsCable OD: 4.0mm to 9.5mm Mogami 2803 cable DC Resistance: 160 mOhm/m Capacitance: 108 pF/m Characteristic Impedance: 50 Ohm O.D.: 3.6mm (0.142'') Hi-Fi Cable Neglex 2803 & 2804 - Historical Review from Mogami Wire & Cable Corp. Part No. 2803 and 2804 are difficult to manufacture and have a very low yield rate. So we can make relatively small amounts of them. These present the paradox that if they became very popular it would take too many factory resources which could be used more profitably in making other products. Frankly most companies would discontinue them as too much trouble for the revenue they generate. How they came about and why we have continued production for so many years is an interesting story. The reader must remember that for many years it was assumed that audio cable did not affect the sound of audio systems. This is taken for granted by most people today. Then, back in April 1974 Mr. Akihiko aneda of Akita University presented in the technical magazine for amateur "MUSEN TO JI EN" (Wireless Experimentation) that the sound quality of an amplifier could be changed even by wire or cable. Further, sonic effect was assumed to be caused by skin effect, and also made worse by the common tin plate over copper structure. At the same time, audio critic Mr. Sabro Egawa presented his experimental results in a music magazine Record Geijyutsu (Record Art) in its December, 1975 issue that the sound quality is different between speaker cables, and he pointed out the possibility of its relation to skin effect as well. These two statements that I called "Kaneda-Egawa prospect" were in error in the following points: It is against common sense of electro-acoustical engineering (we knew electrical characteristic of a cable cannot change sound and skin effect at audio frequencies is extremely low, un-measurable in level.) Since it referred to the electrical property which caused difference in sound definitely as skin effect, it could become a verification and argument subject with non-ambiguous electrical engineering. I started engineering calculation and experimentation, assuming at the beginning I could easily prove that skin effect could never affect sound quality. However, before long I was forced to realize that it was not so easy. In fact, I had to recognize the fact that sound is changed by cable, as a result of the very experiments by the discoverers in front of me, so that I was compelled to research it seriously. Skin effect is a part of eddy current nature, and although it is not possible to measure it at audio frequency range, it can be calculated electromagnetically and the calculated result can be verified by several methods. Therefore I did listening tests myself and asked many people for double blind tests, making many cable models that had different eddy current loss. These listening tests made me sure that skin effect has a rather large role in the sound differences. Given this result, the next question became if we human-beings could detect such minute differences that they could not be measured by electrical measurement. On the other hand, we can identify the same sound source even though it is quite different in electrical characteristics. Therefore, it became understood that our brain percepts sound by a different mechanism from electrical measurement. What became apparent after many experiments was that Frequency Derivative of the transfer function (system function - magnitude and phase response) of an audio system was deeply related to this issue. If so, humans are very sensitive to the difference between close frequencies and not good at comparison between greatly separated frequencies. These are quite different characteristics from electrical measurement. The reason for this difference seems to relate to the fact that the transmission system from ear to brain is two-dimensional, and operation is done at orthotomic surface; further, total brain operation is processed three-dimensionally. However, an electrical measuring system is a one-dimensional operation, so that it becomes hard to make frequency derivative operation of the transfer characteristic. (In an optical computing system using lens and mirror with laser light, this kind of operation can be easily realized). Two products which resulted from huge amount of theoretical study, computation, measurement and experimental research by double blind test are the 2803 interconnect and 2804 speaker cable. These have been judged by countless listeners to have extremely high sound quality. Because of difficult to manufacture cable design and resulting very low yield rate, these are not "practical" products, so that we are always urged by our accountants to discontinue them. However, we think we are going to continue with the challenge of making them. We hope critical listeners continue to enjoy them. Incidentally, to this day most audio makers and electrical cable designers deny skin effect. Sadly there are many gimmicky goods on the market, with marketing suggesting countless "voodoo" factors that simply cannot be understandable by science and engineering, for example purity of conductor material. Of course, there are some upright and serious makers like Panasonic that are indifferent to those gimmicks. We salute the latter, while recalling the often cited advice to "let the buyer beware". KLE Innovations Harmony Plug History Looking to take his effort to the next level, Keith Louis formed KLEI (Keith Louis Enterprises & Innovations) in 2013, and committed himself to improving the Bullet plug and to create an RCA connector with superior conductivity, enhanced signal integrity, and higher resolution. Since the RCA plug/jack is so widely used – connecting virtually every component in an audio/video chain and linking entire systems through a network of interfaces – any improvement in its performance would be significant, especially over that of the Bullet plug and its variants. To recap – a first evaluation of the traditional RCA jack showed obvious metallurgical shortcomings. Most connectors, even those marketed as “deluxe” upmarket RCA jacks, are made from nickel and gold plated brass or phosphor bronze with a conductivity rating typically less than 50% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard) and often less than less than 28% IACS. As a comparison, the high purity copper used in the vast majority of interconnect cables has a conductivity rating of 100% IACS. Because of this low conductivity and the use of three disparate metals, it is our contention that standard RCA jacks – even expensive, flashy ones – compromise electron/energy flow and diminish the performance of the components they connect. Nickel is added to the brass or phosphor bronze substrate solely to provide the jewel-like appearance that makes expensive connectors look expensive. While achieving the desired appearance, this comes at a cost–degraded sound or poorer picture quality, as electrons flow through three dissimilar metals with differing electrical and conductive properties. Conductivity Silver – 105% Copper – 100% Silver (Machinable) – 92.5% ~ 96% Tellurium Copper (Machinable) – 90% ~ 95% Gold–65~75% Aluminium – 60 ~ 65% Bronze – 15 ~ 48% Beryllium (low/high copper content) – 17% ~ 43% Rhodium – 35% ~ 38% Brass (low/high copper content) – 25% ~ 37% Tungsten – 31% Nickel – 24% Palladium – 16% Platinum – 16% Tin – 15% The Harmony RCA plug pins are formed using proprietary high conductivity metallurgical process, with the resulting conductivity being >101% IACS to even >106% IACS. This provides over 360% greater conductivity than the gold-plated brass connectors used in the vast majority of deluxe RCA jacks. Proven metallurgical choices at KLEI result in better signal transfer, and electron/energy flow, that is consistent with the highest quality interconnect cables. Traditional connectors impose a serious compromise to conductivity at the transfer point, component to component. KLEI’s proprietary high conductivity forming processes eliminate the nickel/gold plating typically used as the third metal in a confusing composite in these standard RCA jacks. The company’s processes are controlled and supported via proprietary mathematical modelling, which creates an architectural and metallurgical relationship between the ground and signal pins. This provides a noticeable sonic improvement, when compared to other RCA plugs, and from Harmony RCA plug model to Harmony RCA plug model. The metal complement, mass, and other critical parameters, are derived via KL’s signal to ground mathematical formulae. Extrapolation, testing, and modeling indicate that our IACS percentages are equivalent, and even superior, to pure (solid) annealed copper (>=100% IACS), even pure (solid) annealed silver (>=105% IACS). They are noticeably superior to KL’s previous copper and silver Bullet plugs. While the metallurgical understandings are significant, paramount, and crucial, the second observation regarding the traditional RCA jack turned out to be ground-breaking. It related to a problem, overlooked for decades, that is intrinsic to the RCA connector’s design – something as fundamental as the architecture of the connector itself. Architecture The RCA ground collar, which in traditional designs encircles the signal pin, acts as a conductor that transfers electrons/energy from multiple directions along its surfaces. It is prone to small out-of-control turbulences called eddy currents. These turbulences are nothing less than chaos, exacerbated by the non specific point of ground in the RCA jack’s design, especially since an entire surface encircling the centre pin forms the electrical ground. Capacitive reactance and micro-arcing are additional artifacts of this architecture. The Harmony RCA plug design addresses these issues and offers an elegant – and arguably major – redesign to the RCA jack, and in itself is fundamental but extensive. As with the Bullet plug, rather than encircle the centre conductor pin with a formed metal collar as ground, we opted for a single point ground contact similar to star earthing (grounding) in high-end electronics. Our new design, featuring single point ground connection and optimised shape, mass and thickness of the conductive elements, eliminates every vestige of eddy current turbulence, capacitive reactance, and micro-arcing. We believe this approach solves a series of problems that collectively degrade audio/video performance and that do so in an additive manner. The importance of this innovation and redesign cannot be overstated. Its ramifications extend to every RCA interface in which high quality signal transfer is an issue. Extensive listening and critical comparisons played a major role in the evolution of the design, confirming at every juncture the audibility of properly applied science in even the area of RCA connection. The Harmony RCA plug, the next generation Bullet plug design, is the sonic culmination of KL’s proprietary signal to ground formulae as applied to the architectural and metallurgical relationship between the signal and ground conductors. In summary, KLEI’s Harmony RCA Plugs represent a further innovation and a totally refined approach to RCA connection. Its innovations and refinements include: 1. The conductive pins incorporate highly conductive materials, such as copper and silver 2. KL’s proprietary mathematical modelling optimises mass, thickness, and composition of the conductive pins, resulting in enhanced electron flow 3. The conductive pins are arranged to maintain a consistent maximum distance from each other which further improves capacitive and inductive reactance effects and minimizes cross-talk EMF effects that occur in all other RCA plugs. This allows for significantly higher characteristic impedance, than conventional RCA plugs, and makes the Harmony RCA plug an ideal connector for digital Interconnects requiring RCA connectivity in either 50, 75, or 110 Ohm impedances and low jitter 4. The conductive pins are now much stronger and allow for small and large conductor wires to be soldered to them 5. Further rejection of the idea of using a formed metal collar to encircle the centre pin and serve as the reference to ground, which eliminates co-axial inductive reactances 6. Single point star grounding, instead, to eliminate eddy current distortions, capacitive and inductive reactance, and micro-arcing 7. The ground pin includes thread teeth to star ground a conductive housing 8. Addition of an anti-short shield 9. The head assembly jaw structure has been redesigned and improved to allow an easy snap-like connection to an RCA socket, but still ensuring an ultimate connection 10. The housing assembly uses 2 screws to secure the cable sheath to the Harmony RCA plug housing 11. An extremely high temperature melting point polymer, with excellent electrical and mechanical characteristics, has been used Standard RCA Plugs KLEI Harmony RCA Plugs Gold plated brass or phosphor bronze with a conductivity rating of often less than 28% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard). Contact pins formed using proprietary high conductivity metallurgical processes, provides ultra-high conductivity (>101% IACS and even >106% IACS). Provides over 360% greater conductivity than gold plated brass binding posts. Solid signal pin. Metal collar completely encircling pin as electric ground. Total thickness and mass not optimized for signal integrity. Sound quality and electron flow compromised. Hollow signal pin of ideal thickness and mass. Provides a superior electron movement/current flow, and minimises skin effect issues. The result is a cleaner, more open sound, with even further detail. Heavy plating of gold over a nickel substrate. This is often a cause of poor sound quality as electrons flow through 3 dissimilar metals with differing electrical and conductive properties. Metallurgy process minimizes oxidation. Ground collar surrounding centre pin has co-axial inductive reactance effects, which have detrimental effect on electron flow. Eddy current turbulences created as a result of non specific ground contact. Loss of signal integrity due to capacitive and inductive reactances and micro-arcing. Provides a plug with poor and reduced signal transfer resolution. Patented single point ground pin, with easy connection, and a single point conductive Housing ground. Eliminates eddy-current turbulences, co-axial inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, and micro-arcing. Provides a plug that is linear to over 150KHz, which allows excellent sound and video signal quality, signal integrity, electron flow, and extremely high signal transfer resolution. CONTACT US Please contact us if you need larger quantities or if you need a cable customized in any other length, color or connector combination. We can make it for you. Just send us a message. Handling Same business day or 1 business day after receiving your cleared payment. Shipping We ship worldwide with DHL/FedEx/UPS or International Priority Mail (Tracked & Registered). We offer combined shipping and volume discounts for large orders. Just send us a message before placing your order. EU VAT If you reside in the European Union the VAT rate is added to the cost of each item. If you have a valid EU company VAT number please let us know in order to provide you with a VAT exemption. About STEREOKRAFT Custom-made cables, carefully handcrafted by experts with more than 20 years of experience in the Pro Audio Video Industry and High-End Installations. We sell products and materials that we highly trust and personally use. Every single cable is inspected and tested to ensure optimum quality before it leaves our lab. We are proud to offer you some of the finest cables and terminations from manufacturers like: Amphenol, Belden, Cardas, Canare, Elecaudio, ETI Research, Gotham Audio, Furutech, KLE Innovations, Mogami, Neotech, Neutrik, Oyaide, Sommer Cable, Supra, Switchcraft, Van Damme, W&M Audio, and many more. Cables make a difference. Cables can upgrade any AV system and take it to the next level. And don't forget the following important general principles in order to get optimal performance: 1. Select the proper equipment / components. 2. Decide on the best possible cables for your equipment. 3. Choose a room with good acoustics.
Price: 198.99 USD
Location: Thessaloniki
End Time: 2024-07-23T17:27:22.000Z
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Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Brand: Mogami, KLE Innovations
Type: Audio RCA Interconnect Cable
Color: Black
Connector B: RCA/Phono Male
Connector A: RCA/Phono Male
MPN: 2803, KLE Pure 22 Harmony
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Available Variations
Color: 1 ft. / 0.3 m.
Price: 198.99 USD
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: 1.5 ft. / 0.5 m.
Price: 227.99 USD
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 3
Color: 2.5 ft. / 0.8 m.
Price: 264.99 USD
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 4
Color: 3 ft. / 1 m.
Price: 290.99 USD
Available Quantity: 4
Quantity Sold: 2
Color: 4 ft. / 1.2 m.
Price: 316.99 USD
Available Quantity: 5
Quantity Sold: 3
Color: 5 ft. / 1.5 m.
Price: 355.99 USD
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: 6 ft. / 1.8 m.
Price: 396.99 USD
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0
Color: 6.5 ft. / 2 m.
Price: 422.99 USD
Available Quantity: 2
Quantity Sold: 0